Online Random Number Generator
Including C# source code
Steve on
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Friday, April 22, 2016
27,495 times. (
0 times today.)
- Random Number Generator (22KB) - ASP.NET 1.1 Solution - Generate Uniform Random Numbers for various data types including DateTime and TimeSpan
How can I generate my own random number sets?
We have an online tool that will allow you to create up to 10000 random numbers at a time of various data types including:
- Boolean
- Int16
- Int32 (Integer)
- Int64
- Float (single precision)
- Double (double precision)
- DateTime
- Time Span
Download the solution at the top of this article for all the code.
For more on how the random numbers are generated have a look at my RandomProvider class.
Copy and Paste Cleanly
Note that with my online random number generator the random numbers are provided within <pre></pre> tags so you can easily copy and paste them into your favorite text editor or Excel without a bunch of html markup in the way.
Gaussian (Normal) and Exponential Distributions Also Available
The RandomProvider class in the download also provides gaussian and exponentially distributed random numbers. One of these days I'll get around to adding it to the demo.