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Javascript Char Codes (Key Codes)

An interactive javascript key code reference for javascript developers. Includes an interative text box where you can type a key and see it's code along with a complete lookup table. Continue...

Developer Tools and Tables Javascript

How Can I Use Javascript to Allow Only Numbers to Be Entered in a TextBox?

An easy javascript code snippet to allow only digits to be typed in a text box. Includes interactive demonstration. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials Javascript

Hexadecimal (Hex) to Decimal Lookup Table

Convert hex to decimal. Convert dec to hexadecimal. This handy lookup table is a lot easier than punching it into your calculator. Continue...

Developer Tools and Tables Math

How Do I Get Paths and URL fragments from the HttpRequest object?

A reference for extracting URL and path information from the HttpRequest object in ASP.NET. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials ASP.NET C#

Convert String to Int in C#

Three different ways to convert a string to an integer in C# and the pros and cons of each. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C#

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