The inside of a computer is as dumb as hell, but it goes like mad! --Richard Feynman

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C# StyleHelper Class

While CSS is the preferred way to manage webpage styles these days, sometimes it's helpful to manage those styles programmatically. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C# CSS

C# RandomProvider Class

I provide a class, RandomProvider, which provides random numbers for several of the .NET data types and based on statistical distributions. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials .NET C#

C# StopWatch Class

A high precision stop watch class for timing in your C# or .NET programs Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials .NET C#

Hexadecimal (Hex) to Decimal Lookup Table

Convert hex to decimal. Convert dec to hexadecimal. This handy lookup table is a lot easier than punching it into your calculator. Continue...

Developer Tools and Tables Math

What are the ASP.NET/CSS Fonts?

A reference for the built in ASP.NET fonts in a convenient list. Continue...

Developer Tools and Tables ASP.NET CSS Design

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