The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt. --Bertrand Russell

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The Programmer's Code

The following 27 rules are the distilled wisdom of decades of software development in a huge variety of software environments. From CERN to Microsoft, from mission critical to puttering for the desktop. Follow even a fraction of these rules and you'll be in constant demand. Continue...

Developer The Programmer's Code

Photo Expedition in the Missouri River Bottoms with my Canon Rebel T3i

Yesterday I headed out to meet my brother in Lexington, Missouri and took my camera along to capture some shots. I stopped in Missouri City and at the Cooley Lake Conservation area along the Missouri River. The Canon T3i and Lightroom are two of the greatest tools I have for creating great shots. Continue...

Everyone Diversions

Easily Build An Atom or RSS Feed With C# and the Syndication Namespace

Learn how easy it can be to wireup a syndication feed for your site. The .NET framework allows you to build the feed content once and publish it using either the RSS or Atom protocol. Continue...

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Page Goes Gold With One Million Views

Our first article goes gold after receiving more than one million views. Continue...

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URL Rewriter for .NET - Examples

Many places document how to use URL Rewriter. Here we provide some practical examples of usage. Continue...

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