The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his own skull; therefore he approaches the programming task in full humility, and among other things he avoids clever tricks like the plague. -- Edsger Dijkstra

Posts in developer

Intro to Number Bases and the Cambia.BaseN Package

Conversions of numbers between different bases or representations in different bases is often needed or useful in computing. This article will introduce you to alphabets, clear up some common misconceptions and discuss some of the issues one might encounter doing base conversions. We further define a new Cambia95 standard alphabet which we hope may be adopted elsewhere for conversion and encoding solutions. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials Cambia.BaseN Math Package

Cambia.BaseN Documentation and Code Samples

Cambia.BaseN is a Nuget package for converting and representing numbers in different bases. This article provides numerous code sample to show you how to use the package. I think you'll see that it's pretty straight forward. Continue...

Developer Cambia.BaseN Math Package

How to Integrate a Google Custom Search Popup In a Bootstrap Navbar

Suitable for a Bootstrap noob, this tutorial will walk you through, start to finish, creating a Bootstrap 3 menu bar and integrating Google's free custom website search capability in a modal popup window. It's fast. It's light. And with this tutorial, easy to do. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials Bootstrap Client-side Blog

Rule #6 - Adapt and Adopt

In 1965, Dr. Richard Feynman won the Nobel Prize in Physics. He was brash, rebellious and rarely passed up an opportunity to point out hypcrisy and irrationality. An experience from his youth can teach us something about programming standards. Continue...

Developer The Programmer's Code

Generic Undo/Redo Stack in C#

In the process of customizing the RichTextBox for Inspire Writing Studio, I discovered the need to manage my own undo/redo stack. I present the code for a simple generic undo/redo stack. This generic undo/redo implementation can be extended for a variety of usage scenarios. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C#

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