The Six Phases of a Project: Enthusiasm. Disillusionment. Panic. Search for the Guilty. Punishment of the Innocent. Praise for non-participants

Posts in diversions

Hacking The Monty Hall Problem

Thousands of people, including many PhDs, have been completely fooled by the Monty Hall problem. It is utterly counterintuitive and even when you hear an explanation it doesn't make any sense. I break it down here with pictures and go all the way back to the simple defintion of probability to make it clear. Continue...

Everyone Diversions Math

Photo Expedition in the Missouri River Bottoms with my Canon Rebel T3i

Yesterday I headed out to meet my brother in Lexington, Missouri and took my camera along to capture some shots. I stopped in Missouri City and at the Cooley Lake Conservation area along the Missouri River. The Canon T3i and Lightroom are two of the greatest tools I have for creating great shots. Continue...

Everyone Diversions

Physics Funnies

A little levity to brighten your day. These physics test takers didn't know the answers, but they came up with some pretty clever answers of their own. Continue...

Everyone Diversions Humor

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