Increasingly, people seem to misinterpret complexity as sophistication... --Niklaus Wirth

Posts in .net

Partial Classes in .NET

Discover what partial classes are in .NET and what they're good for. Continue...

Developer Software Concepts Tips and Tutorials .NET C#

How Do I Read a File As an Array of Bytes in C#

Learn how to use a stream to read the byte content of a file. You can also use the new ReadAllBytes method on the File class. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials .NET C#

Convert .NET Color to Hex String

Learn how to convert a hex string to a .NET color using C#. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials .NET C# CSS HTML

C# RandomProvider Class

I provide a class, RandomProvider, which provides random numbers for several of the .NET data types and based on statistical distributions. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials .NET C#

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