If your project doesn't work, look for the part that you didn't think was important. --Arthur Bloch

Posts in asp.net

URL Rewriter for .NET - Examples

Many places document how to use URL Rewriter. Here we provide some practical examples of usage. Continue...

Developer Rate, Rank and Review ASP.NET Web

Where can I view the partial class with designer code in my ASP.NET project?

Ever wonder what happened to the designer file for your ASP.NET web page after you moved to .NET 2.0? Learn more here. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials ASP.NET

Change the Default Browser in Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Web Developer

How to change the default browser in Visual Studio. That's right, you aren't stuck with just Internet Explorer. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials ASP.NET Visual Studio Browsers

How to Deliver a File From ASP.NET and Specify Its MIME Type

Learn how to use ASP.NET to dynamically return a file to the user and the importance of MIME types in this process. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials ASP.NET HTTP MIME

PathHelper - Convert File and Folder Paths and URLs in an ASP.NET Application

Managing all the various types of paths in ASP.NET can be a chore. You have URLs, virtual paths, absolute paths, relative paths and application paths. This article helps you make sense of all of these while managing conversions and getting the type of path you need when you need it. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials ASP.NET C#

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