Simple is hard. --Steve Lautenschlager

Posts in c#

TimeOfDay Class for C#

There are a lot of ways you can hack a time of day in C#, but why not use a dedicated TimeOfDay class. Continue...

Developer C#

Generic Undo/Redo Stack in C#

In the process of customizing the RichTextBox for Inspire Writing Studio, I discovered the need to manage my own undo/redo stack. I present the code for a simple generic undo/redo stack. This generic undo/redo implementation can be extended for a variety of usage scenarios. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C#

Rule #4 - Be Explicit

Should you ever use the var keyword in C#? What about Javascript? Being clear and precise is very important in legal contracts, but it's even more important in software. An unfortunate experience as a teenager helped crystallize the importance of being explicit in both legal matters and software. Continue...

Developer The Programmer's Code C# Javascript

Easily Build An Atom or RSS Feed With C# and the Syndication Namespace

Learn how easy it can be to wireup a syndication feed for your site. The .NET framework allows you to build the feed content once and publish it using either the RSS or Atom protocol. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C# ATOM RSS

Convert String to Int in C#

Three different ways to convert a string to an integer in C# and the pros and cons of each. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C#

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