Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming. --Brian Kernigan

Posts in javascript

Rule #4 - Be Explicit

Should you ever use the var keyword in C#? What about Javascript? Being clear and precise is very important in legal contracts, but it's even more important in software. An unfortunate experience as a teenager helped crystallize the importance of being explicit in both legal matters and software. Continue...

Developer The Programmer's Code C# Javascript

Javascript Char Codes (Key Codes)

An interactive javascript key code reference for javascript developers. Includes an interative text box where you can type a key and see it's code along with a complete lookup table. Continue...

Developer Tools and Tables Javascript

How Can I Use Javascript to Allow Only Numbers to Be Entered in a TextBox?

An easy javascript code snippet to allow only digits to be typed in a text box. Includes interactive demonstration. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials Javascript

How Do I Suppress a Keystroke in a Browser Input Box Using Javascript?

Learn how to use javascript to suppress a keystroke in a browser input box. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials Javascript HTML

How Do I Keep My Website From Being Viewed In a Frame?

Learn how to keep your website from being viewed in a frame. This is not necessarily good practice, but it's needed in some instances. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials Javascript Browsers

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