There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about and those nobody uses. --Bjarne Stroustrup

Recent Blog Posts

The .NET Uri Class and the Cambia.UriExtensions Nuget Package

Cambia.UriExtensions is a Nuget package provides extension methods to the existing .NET Uri class which make extracting, modifying and building URIs and their parts easier than ever. An overarching goal of this project was to make worrying about delimiter characters a thing of the past. Build and modify your URIs using fluent Drop and Set methods. Continue...

Developer Cambia.UriExtensions Documentation Package URI

Intro to Number Bases and the Cambia.BaseN Package

Conversions of numbers between different bases or representations in different bases is often needed or useful in computing. This article will introduce you to alphabets, clear up some common misconceptions and discuss some of the issues one might encounter doing base conversions. We further define a new Cambia95 standard alphabet which we hope may be adopted elsewhere for conversion and encoding solutions. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials Cambia.BaseN Math Package

Cambia.BaseN Documentation and Code Samples

Cambia.BaseN is a Nuget package for converting and representing numbers in different bases. This article provides numerous code sample to show you how to use the package. I think you'll see that it's pretty straight forward. Continue...

Developer Cambia.BaseN Math Package

Hacking The Monty Hall Problem

Thousands of people, including many PhDs, have been completely fooled by the Monty Hall problem. It is utterly counterintuitive and even when you hear an explanation it doesn't make any sense. I break it down here with pictures and go all the way back to the simple defintion of probability to make it clear. Continue...

Everyone Diversions Math

Surface Web, Deep Web, Dark Web -- What's the Difference?

Are you wondering how the surface web, deep web and dark web are different? I've had a ring-side seat since the beginning of the web and clarify these often mis-used terms. Continue...

Everyone Browsers Internet Web

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