Good code is its own best documentation. -- Steve McConnell

Posts in developer

Extract Hex Digits From a String

Learn how to extract hex digits from a string using C#. Useful for cases where you have dirty hex information or extra characters. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C# Text

Parsing Email Addresses with Regular Expressions

Use C# to parse and validation email address. I present both a strict and lenient regular expression and discuss what constitutes a valid email address. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C# Email

Parsing URLs with Regular Expressions and the Regex Object

Go in depth in understanding the structure of a URL or URI and see a single regular expression that can be used to extract the various pieces in one fell swoop. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C# Regular Expressions

Convert Integer To Enum Instance in C#

Sample C# code showing how to convert an integer to an instance of an enumeration. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C#

Convert String to Enum Instance

C# code sample showing how to convert a string to an instance of an enumeration. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C#

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