To iterate is human, to recurse divine. --L. Peter Deutsch

Posts in developer

Microsoft Releases AJAX Tool

This article marks the official release of Microsoft's new support for AJAX, formerly codenamed ATLAS. Continue...

Developer Tech News Visual Studio

What are the ASP.NET Named Colors

View the ASP.NET named colors by name, swatch and hexadecimal value Continue...

Developer Tools and Tables ASP.NET CSS Design

Javascript Char Codes (Key Codes)

An interactive javascript key code reference for javascript developers. Includes an interative text box where you can type a key and see it's code along with a complete lookup table. Continue...

Developer Tools and Tables Javascript

How Can I Use Javascript to Allow Only Numbers to Be Entered in a TextBox?

An easy javascript code snippet to allow only digits to be typed in a text box. Includes interactive demonstration. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials Javascript

How Do I Suppress a Keystroke in a Browser Input Box Using Javascript?

Learn how to use javascript to suppress a keystroke in a browser input box. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials Javascript HTML

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