The inside of a computer is as dumb as hell, but it goes like mad! --Richard Feynman

Posts in developer

How Do I Keep My Website From Being Viewed In a Frame?

Learn how to keep your website from being viewed in a frame. This is not necessarily good practice, but it's needed in some instances. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials Javascript Browsers

How Can I Easily Manage an XML Configuration File in .NET?

.NET makes reading and writing XML as easy as pie. Use a class template and you never have to deal with XML at all. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C# XML

How Do I Get Paths and URL fragments from the HttpRequest object?

A reference for extracting URL and path information from the HttpRequest object in ASP.NET. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials ASP.NET C#

Using the HttpContext object

Learn how you can get access to the HttpContext object when you're not in the code-behind of an ASPX page? Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials ASP.NET C# Web

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